Thresholds – Gonzalo Reyes Araos

Artist talk by Gonzalo Reyes Araos

Charla de Artista

Thursday 5th of May
de 11:00 a 12:30
Colegio Radomiro Tomic
Ramón Freire s/n, Calama
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«As a migrant, I have always wanted to recover something that I have left in my country to share it with my new friends abroad. The sun of Atacama, a radiant pearl, magnificent fire, especially yearning during the cold and dark Berlin’s winter days. The Atacama Desert was the scene of an important stage of my life and the current home of my mother. With whom I maintain periodic conversations through a screen using contemporary communication systems, which try to reproduce our daily lives and personal relationships. From this perspective, this work emphasizes the absurd pretension of replacing natural phenomena by their conceptual presence on our screens. Thus, this project pretends to share elements of nature such as light, through technologies that express a «new source of illumination,» the light of the screen.»

Gonzalo Reyes’ work focuses contemporary forms of communication that have conditioned and redefined human relationships. He works in a multidisciplinary approach, ranging from painting to installations, using elements borrowed from the usual means of communication, -screens, video conference devices-, to share natural events “broadcasted” through long distances. Thus generating parallel and ubiquitous dimensions amplifying the relationships we maintain with spiritual experiences through the technology. At this point, Gonzalo considers the binary code as a metaphor for our apparent reality, a point at which rational logic intersects with an emotional dimension.

Gonzalo Reyes Araos

Gonzalo is a visual artist, his work reflects on contemporary forms of communication as factors that have defined social relations and the human connection with nature. His multidisciplinary work ranges from painting to installations in which he uses cyberspace to create or share experiences over long distances.

Photograph © Pablo Hassmann