Charla de Artista
Wednesday 18th of May
de 10:30 a 12:00
Formato híbrido (presencial / virtual)
Colegio Leonardo Da Vinci
Cam. Vecinal 286, Calama
y vía plataforma Zoom
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The Calamian artist David Corlaván will talk to us about his artistic work, which is characterised by shifting the frontier from the contemporary sculptural object, mainly made with industrialised material, towards territorial performance, imbuing his work with the care and love he manifests in capturing the essence of the ancestral environments he travels through and in constructing his own imaginary. He is mainly located in the Atacama Desert in Chile, where he discovers his main artistic purpose: to show the abuses that industry exerts on people, through a creative, calm and patient act of reverence towards the abused element and the territory.

David Corvalán
Artista visual calameño. Su trabajo se caracteriza por desplazar la frontera desde el objeto escultórico contemporáneo, principalmente realizado con materia industrializada, hacia la performance territorial, impregnando en su quehacer la prolijidad y el amor que manifiesta al capturar la esencia de los entornos ancestrales que recorre y al construir su propio imaginario.