Sensorial Geography of the Desert


Monday 2nd – Saturday 7th of May
from 3 to 6 pm
Saturday 7th of May
from 10:30 am to 1 pm
Museo de Historia Natural y Cultural del Desierto de Atacama (Parque el Loa)
Parque el Loa, Calama

By the artist Ximena Bórquez.

Inscríbete gratuitamente aquí 



“Sensory Geography of the Desert” is an experimental laboratory of graphic creation, in which you will be able to explore the crossings between geography, drawing and sensoriality, addressing the phenomenon of synaesthesia.

The Laboratory contemplates the elaboration of a book/blog, in which you will translate the expressive experiences observed in graphic form, expanding the book format to the installation, adding drawings, maps and objects.

How long does the Lab last?

It is an intensive laboratory, lasting one week from Monday to Saturday, in these days you will address new approaches to how multisensoriality in creative processes expands awareness and communication with our environment, generating new ways of relating to nature and to ourselves, allowing us access to our sensory memory.

It will take place in an intensive way, during one week from Monday to Saturday from 15:00 to 18:00 hrs and Saturday from 10:30 to 13:00 hrs. If you register, please consider these times so that you can attend. If you have any questions you can contact us.

Do I need previous knowledge?

No. Through field trips and group and individual perception exercises, the artist Ximena Borquez will guide you in the exploration of concepts of geo-drawing, automatic drawing, nature-spiritual, book-sensory and memory-sensory, inspired both in the geography of the desert and in our personal environment.

Artist Ximena Borquez tells us that she hopes that “participants will enjoy these explorations and enhance their creative processes, that they will be motivated to continue working and that they will remain as a group to share their findings and benefit from all the experiences.”

Exhibition : The processes and results of this Artistic Training Laboratory, will be exhibited collectively at Pablo Neruda Gallery as part of the H-residency programme in May 2022.

Aimed at : creators, artists, students, designers, researchers and anyone interested in experimenting with drawing, memory, landscape and sensoriality through a didactic and simple method.

Materials : When you register for the laboratory you will be provided with all the materials.

Optionally you can bring:
– coloured pencils, which can be markers, lead pencils, or others.
– Scissors, ruler and glue stick or liquid glue.

Registration is required, with limited places.

Ximena Bórquez

Ximena Bórquez, a visual artist who is part of the Expanded Graphics. With exhibitions in Chile, Latin America and Europe, she has a high level graphic work, being selected in international competitions and obtaining several distinctions inside and outside the country.